<![CDATA[Xiaolan Health Centre - Blog]]>Thu, 20 Feb 2025 23:34:46 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Chinese new year greetings from xiaolan health centre]]>Tue, 28 Jan 2025 22:07:36 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/chinese-new-year-greetings-from-xiaolan-health-centre1805573
Dear All,
We sincerely appreciate your kind support and encouragement for the past year.
May the New Year be joyful and prosperous for you. We look forward to seeing you at
Xiaolan Health Centre soon. Wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year.

​We will remain open for regular business hours, Monday to Friday 8 AM-6 PM.
<![CDATA[2025 Service price]]>Fri, 24 Jan 2025 21:32:31 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/2025-service-price]]><![CDATA[CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETINGS FROM XIAOLAN HEALTH CENTRE]]>Fri, 09 Feb 2024 18:00:00 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/chinese-new-year-greetings-from-xiaolan-health-centre4598879
​Dear All,
We sincerely appreciate your kind support and encouragement for the past year.
May the New Year be joyful and prosperous for you. We look forward to seeing you at
Xiaolan Health Centre soon. Wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year.

​We will remain open for regular business hours, Monday to Friday 8 AM-6 PM.
<![CDATA[The Story Of Xiaolan Met Dragon Blood In Costa Rica]]>Wed, 01 Feb 2023 18:56:41 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/the-story-of-xiaolan-met-dragon-blood-in-costa-rica
Dragon’s blood (Daemonorops draco et spp.) is commonly known as sangre de drago or sangre de grado. The more potent Costa Rica species is natively called tarquay. In Chinese, it is called xue jie.
Sangre de drago, meaning “blood of the dragon” in Spanish, is named for its blood-red resin. It has a long history of use by indigenous tribes throughout the Amazon, especially in Peru, Ecuador and Costa Rica. Its common use is to stop bleeding, heal wounds and treat intestinal problems, especially diarrhea and dysentery. It was first referenced by the Spanish explorer P. Bernabe Cobo in the 1600s. Studies conducted in the late 1970s proved its efficacy and it is found in several pharmaceutical products sold throughout South America. If you ever find yourself suffering from dysentery and diarrhea while
traveling in tropical countries, dragon’s blood can be a life-saving and possibly face-saving ally. In fact, dragon’s blood taken internally is one of the best remedies for Ulcerative colitis, IBS and Crohn’s disease.

Dragon’s Blood: Superior Wound Healer
Dragon’s blood contains taspine and a proanthocyanidin, both with powerful anti-inflammatory antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it one of our most potent botanical wound healers. Part of the palm family, various species grow in tropical areas throughout the world.

One of our afternoons at Ama Tierra was spent with Doña Zoraida, a respected native medicine woman, who taught us about many of the herbs and common remedies and preparations used by her people. She is one of the “grandmother” herbalist healers of the Quiterrise, which is one of the eight indigenous tribes in Costa Rica. Doña Zoraida did not speak English so that her informal teaching was facilitated by a translator.

Doña Zoraida sells her formulas and extracts at local farmers markets. One she showed and described as most precious was a liquid extract of dragon’s blood known locally as tarquay. It so happens that the preferred and most potent species of dragon’s blood is not the one commonly available commercially in the West, Daemonorops draco, but the more potent Costa Rican species, Croton lecheri. It is more expensive because the extraction of the resin results in the destruction of the tree. This blood-red exudate is highly regarded and used for healing wounds, skin conditions and trauma as well as dysentery and diarrhea. Subsequent research confirmed that the standardized dragon’s blood product SP-303 (Provir) used for diarrhea was effective at doses ranging from of 125 to 500 mg daily.

Besides Amazonia and Costa Rica, dragon’s blood is native to India, Indonesia and Malaysia as well as China and Iran. It is dispensed as a powder or liquid extract and besides its immune-protective, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, it is used as an astringent, stopping cuts from bleeding. It is also given to women internally to treat excessive menstrual discharge and bleeding after childbirth. It is extremely effective for non-infectious diarrhea and diarrhea not caused by food poisoning (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and IBS). An elderly student herbalist living with a Peruvian indigenous tribe said it was a virtual panacea among all the people in the region. When externally applied it dries and creates its protective covering over a wound. With diarrhea and dysentery being a common disease in the jungle, it is no wonder that dragon’s blood would be the most commonly used remedy.
Dragon’s blood is regarded as the world’s most powerful antioxidant. Researchers took 100 grams of Croton draco exudate powder and tested it against the other plants known to have high antioxidant content.  Its Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) score was 2,897,110, making it the highest antioxidant food in the world. Its closest competitors are left in the dust as judged by their ORAC values:
Sumac bran – 312,400
Ground cloves – 290,283
Dried amla berries– 261,500
In other words, C. lecheri dragon’s blood tree sap taken internally is at least 800% more powerful than the three antioxidant runner-ups! Just a single drop of dragon’s blood is equivalent to 2 lbs of raw kale or three apples’ worth of antioxidants.

<![CDATA[Chinese New Year Greetings from Xiaolan Health Centre]]>Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:00:00 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/chinese-new-year-greetings-from-xiaolan-health-centre
Dear All,
We sincerely appreciate your kind support and encouragement for the past year.
May the New Year be joyful and prosperous for you. We look forward to seeing you at
Xiaolan Health Centre soon. Wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year.

​We will remain open for regular business hours, Monday to Friday 8 AM-6 PM.

<![CDATA[Preventing Viral infections]]>Fri, 14 Feb 2020 17:56:48 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/preventing-viral-infectionsWith the recent events of the global Coronavirus outbreak, we thought we would share some helpful tips on preventing viral infections. 

1. Wash your hands several times throughout the day and especially before eating or touching your face.
2. Prepare gargling solution, 1 tbsp sea salt to 1 liter of water. 
3. Gargle solution several times throughout the day.
4. Use clean cotton swab to gently line the inside of your nasal cavity with coconut oil.
By taking the above precautions you can significantly reduce your chances of contracting a viral infection.

We hope everybody stays safe and healthy during this flu season!
<![CDATA[Happy chinese new year! 2018:]]>Thu, 15 Feb 2018 18:54:05 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/happy-chinese-new-year-2018

February 16, 2018 marks the year 4715 in the Chinese calendar. This is the year of the Earth Dog. While 2017 under the Fire Rooster was unpredictable, chaotic, renewing, and evolving, this year will bring stability, peacefulness, freedom, and nobleness. In a yearly tradition here at the Xiaolan Health Centre, we will let our Astrologer friend Susan Levitt guide us though the year of the Earth Dog:

This new Moon is a solar eclipse, so what is hidden can come to light this year. Under the influence of vigilant Dog, the truth is sniffed out, and integrity is rewarded. 
Dog year is a time of fairness and equality. Controversial issues are given their due, revolutions are successful, politics are liberal, and political oppression is opposed. Justice and honesty are the values that lead to success during Dog year.

In Chinese society, Dogs are the favored domestic animal because they are loyal to their owners. And like a Dog, those born in the year of the Dog possess the admirable canine qualities of loyalty and integrity.

Direct and frank, Dog does not pay much attention to superficial details and has little patience for frivolity. Yet Dog likes to be spontaneous. Honest and trustworthy, Dog makes an excellent friend who always takes your side. Dogs won’t hesitate to make sacrifices for people and ideas they believe in.

Of the five Taoist elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water,and Wood, this is the year of the Earth Dog. 

Stable, honest, practical, industrious, prudent, reliable, kind, and loyal are Earth qualities. The element Earth enriches Dog’s character and adds needed stability. The Earth Dog is endowed with some of the finest qualities of all the twelve astrology animals.  Dogs can succeed in their endeavors, and possess nobility of character. They have strong opinions and are loyal to their values.

Dog is eager to help others, loves children, and enjoys all types of games and entertainment. A champion of the underdog, Dog can become self righteous and indignant when witnessing unfair treatment. Earth Dogs’ instincts give them a clear sense of right and wrong in human relationships. Reliable, sincere, and faithful Earth Dog is dedicated to justice. 

​​Copyright 2017 Susan Levitt All Rights Reserved
<![CDATA[The tongue and TCM Diagnoses]]>Mon, 24 Jul 2017 18:50:28 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/the-tongue-and-tcm-diagnoses5427537

TCM practitioners have many diagnostic tools that they utilize to identify what is going on with a patients health. One of the most insightful diagnostic tools is to examine the tongue.  The shape, colour, and coating can tell you about your health. TCM practitioner Angela Warburton provides some guidance below on what practitioners look for when examining the tongue:

Healthy Tongue

"A healthy balanced tongue will be pinky red in colour, have smooth edges and a smooth body and a thin white coat that you can actually see the tongue body through."

Pale and Teeth Marks

"You might notice when you're feeling really bloated or tired after you eat that the sides of your tongue are swollen or have teeth marks — this means that your digestive system is weaker and overworking. By making simple changes like cooking your foods or avoiding cold frozen foods like smoothies or ice in your drinks, you'll find your digestion improves."


"If your tongue is really red in colour, it tends to mean there is too much heat in your body. You'll want to avoid things that are going to add more heat like spicy foods. If the sides of your tongue are red, it might show up when you're really stressed or irritable or suffer from things like PMS. When you're having trouble sleeping or suffer from anxiety, the tip might get red. Making simple changes like turning off electronic devices or overly stimulating music can be extremely helpful, as can regular meditation."


"If your tongue has a purplish colour, it means that things aren't circulating as well as they could: this could be on specific points on the tongue, like the sides, or across the whole thing. This can show up in people who have migraines or pain, or women who get really bad PMS or cramps. Sometimes simple things like exercise can help but often you want to work with a professional to help with this."


"Cracking in the tongue can be a sign of depleted moisture levels and too much heat in the body, and can be common in women going through menopause (yin deficiency). Avoiding foods that are drying and heating like coffee and alcohol can be of big help and it's important to have lots of downtime or rest with this pattern."


"When the tongue is puffy or has a really thick coat, this is a sign of too much moisture in the body. This person might feel really tired after they eat, have a chronically stuffy nose, swellings in the body or looser bowels. Avoiding foods that are mucus-forming or moistening like diary, bananas or sugary foods can be helpful."

This is just a simple and small example, as there are many other aspects of the tongue that can identify health indicators. If you are concerned about the appearance of your tongue in relation to your health, please feel welcome to book an appointment with one of our TCM practitioners for an assessment and consultation. 

<![CDATA[The Road to Recovery: Lyme Disease]]>Fri, 24 Feb 2017 17:14:20 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/the-road-to-recovery-lyme-disease

​Every once in a while we are so astounded by the recovery from illness experienced by one of our patients that we feel the need to share their story. Recently we treated a patient for chronic Lyme Disease that she had dealt with for over a decade. Once the infection had been killed off, her continuing symptoms of fatigue, restriction of vision and movement, and complete exhaustion persisted. After receiving ongoing treatment at our centre, her recovery so impressed us that we asked her to share her experience for the benefit of others who may have experienced or are currently experiencing Lyme disease. Read about her road from illness to recovery below:

Spring is coming, and with it Lyme Disease season, a time when the ticks that carry Borrelia burgdorferi re-emerge, cling to long grass and branches and wave their little legs in the air waiting for passing meals. I no longer walk in the woods or in grassy fields because of these ticks, I had Lyme Disease for 10 long years. After the bacteria were killed off by a grueling month-long i.v. treatment I was left with a recurring fatigue in the Spring and Fall so bone deep that I couldn't get out of bed at times. I'm very fortunate, when I reached the outer frontier of Western medicine I found Dr  Xiaolan and an older, more subtle medicine cured me of the last of my illness. I want to thank everyone at the clinic for the gift of strength, clear mindedness and health that I treasure every day.

In August 1990, after walking in the woods in Princeton, NJ, I pulled off and crushed a poppy seed-sized dot that had been on my leg. It was a Lyme Disease infected deer tick. Over the next decade I developed full blown Lyme Disease, despite taking the antibiotic given me at the local walk-in clinic. "We don't know which antibiotic to give right now." the doctor said apologetically. Back home in Toronto I gradually lost my memory, the use of my hands, my heart developed abnormal rhythms, I couldn't see properly, lost the ability to use any but the most basic words and had a fatigue so profound that going up stairs was the event of the day.

After years of tests, trials and no progress, in 2000 Dr Keystone, a wonderful Infectious Disease specialist, treated the Lyme bacterial infection with a month of powerful i.v. antibiotics. I was cured - but not completely, what remained has come to be known as post-Lyme syndrome or post-Lyme fatigue. In the Spring and the Fall, when the bacteria had previously migrated within my body, I was utterly exhausted, bedridden.

Western medicine had done as much as it could, my concerned doctors said there was nothing they could do for me, chronic problems like this are not the province of Western medicine. Then someone said "Try Traditional Chinese Medicine." I asked 3 people - "Who's the best?" All 3 said Dr Xiaolan. Interestingly, it didn't take long to rebalance me (I think that's what Dr Xiaolan did, I don't really understand TCM) and the effect was profound. After several months of faithfully following the protocol I just re-emerged as my old, pre-Lyme Disease self. It's deeply gratifying not to feel tired all the time, to be able to sleep through the night, to want to exercise, to be hungry when I should be - to be healthy, to be well.

Thank you Xiaolan, you gave me back my life. - Karen Visser*

​*Shared with Permission

<![CDATA[Happy Chinese New Year! 2017: Year of the Fire Rooster]]>Fri, 03 Feb 2017 18:05:32 GMThttp://xiaolanhealthcentre.com/blog/happy-chinese-new-year-2017-year-of-the-fire-rooster

​2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster in the Chinese zodiac. This is a year which will be characterized by renewal, restoration, and expansion. While many people found 2016 to be a difficult and exhausting year, a Rooster year (and in particular a Fire Rooster year) provides the opportunity to rise and thrive. Fire brings passion, creativity, joy, and success. It also brings hard work, but if you keep your composure and see through the challenges, you will be rewarded and will be better off than before. As we have in years past, we will rely on our astrologer friend, Susan Levitt, to elaborate and provide more insight into what this dynamic and exciting year will bring:

Some translations refer to 2017 as Rooster year or Chicken year, but I use the translation Phoenix because it brings opportunities for rebirth and transformation. Phoenix year is fortunate for all Phoenixes, and for Phoenix’s most compatible signs Ox, Snake, and Dragon. Phoenix energy can, at times, be challenging for Rabbit. Phoenix correlates to the Western sign Virgo.

​Phoenix is a brilliant, inspirational, and fearless visionary. The element Fire is perfect for Phoenix because Fire brings strength, passion, bravery, and leadership. So now is the year to break free, claim your destiny, and overcome obstacles. You can heal past actions, even past lives, with your new awareness.

​Three tips for success are:

First, pay attention to your health. Not seen a dentist, or any type of delay in dealing with your health? This is the year to finally address health issues, not let it drag on. If you feel a bit exhausted after Fire Monkey 2016, then 2017 is especially time to focus on health, healing, and restoration. Same with your home. Time to clean out the old and unused, and live more efficiently in this Fire bird year.  

Second is to organize your finances. Deal with any debt, plan, budget, and be aware of your spending. Those born in Phoenix year are naturally very good at accounting, can find a bargain, and appreciate thrift as do Phoenix’s best friends Ox and Snake.

Third is to work hard with focus. 2017 is the year to apply yourself in your career. Be persistent, yet flexible. This is not the time to goof off or take your job for granted. Phoenix year is work before play, so get organized and contribute on the job. For some, it may feel like beak to the grindstone with superiors criticizing or micromanaging.  But stay strong and do the work! Excuses will not be tolerated in a no-nonsense Phoenix year.

​Copyright 2017 Susan Levitt All Rights Reserved
